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آرشیو خبرها

کد خبر: SpN-En-03 زمان انتشار: 1391/4/12 6:41:10
Iran basketball becomes runner-up in West Asia
Iran basketball becomes runner-up in West Asia
Iran basketball becomes runner-up in West Asia

Iran defeated the hosts at the WABA National Teams Cup which is being held in Jordan and claimed the second place in the competitions.

The Iranian national team played against Jordan on Friday and secured a 75-73 victory to be given the ticket to the 2012 FIBA Asia "Borislav Stankovic" Cup, JamejamOnline reported.

The win over the hosts earned Iran the second spot in the games.

This was Iran's fourth win. In its previous matches Iran played against Yemen, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. It passed the first three ones but was held by the last.

The champions of the WABA National Teams Cup will go to the Asian games.

The end of the games in Jordan saw that the lot fall on Lebanon to play at the Asian games with four consecutive wins over its rivals.

The FIBA Stanković Continental Champions’ Cup is an international basketball tournament for men's national teams held annually by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).
منبع: jam e jam newspaper
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